Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Summary of Omar Minaya's Press Conference

Below is an exact account of Omar Minaya's press conference as I heard it where Omar answered questions about the firing of Willie Randolph:

"Willie Randolph. Blah blah blah. General manager. Blah blah blah. My decision. blah blah blah. I love Willie Randolph. Blah blah blah. General manager. Blah blah blah. I need to sleep on it. Blah, Willie Randolph. Blah blah blah. General manager. Um, blah blah you know. Willie Randolph. Blah blah blah. Is it hot in here? Blah blah blah. My decision. Blah blah I love Willie Randolph. Blah blah, general manager. Blah blah, Jerry Manuel."


Brad said...

Hilarious, as always...

...you scared me for a minute when you questioned the quote :)


FITM said...

Replace the "blah's" with "Okay's".