Friday, February 18, 2011

Best Baseball App for iPad is Pennant

A friend told me about the Pennant app for iPad today and I just had to share it. It is a history book of every single action that took place in baseball from 1950's to the present.

The app is an independent project that was put together that makes referencing any hit, win or seasonal occurrence available at your fingertips on your iPad. Pennant documents every game for pretty much any season in baseball's modern era and it does it in a very simple and easy to use interface.

You can see in this image above that I pulled up Game 6 of the 1986 World Series and I can jump to any inning to see who got a hit, made an error, or scored a run. As a blogger, this is a fantastic tool to reference memorable games and season stats. I think it will also be a nice argument settler when people's memories become fuzzy about what actually happened on what date.

The Pennant app is $4.99 in the iPad app store, so it's not your cheapest app, but it will be well worth it for any baseball enthusiast. For more details, read this write up on Pennant from